Registration to China opened, Eger 2025 confirmed

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Dear members, we would like to inform you that…

1. Registration to China is open
All details about WSPC 2024 and the junior sudoku competition can be found on the newly launched website –

The championship will take place in Beijing on October 13-20. The website also includes a registration form. We remind you that individual WPF members must have a paid annual membership. We will publish information about new members soon together with the GA report.

You can still ask for help with visas using the contacts on the website, we remind you that it is the ideal time if you have not done so yet.

2. WSPC 2025 in Eger approved

We will meet again in Hungary next autumn, as the WSPC in Eger was unanimously approved at the June GA. The presentation from the organizers has been sent to the members and was presented at the GA. We will update you with the report soon.

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