The World Puzzle Federation is an association of legal bodies. The WPF follows the Olympic model if possible. Each country can be represented by one legal body only. In general the legal body has to be associated with puzzles. It could be a puzzle club, publisher of puzzles, newspaper et cetera.

Current members

All current members can be found at WPF members.

How to join

Below are some additional criteria and information on the membership fee. Membership can be possible without meeting these criteria, but only as long as there are no applicants from the same country meeting all these criteria. For more information, or to request an application form, please contact by email:

Criteria for WPF membership

  • Conducting open, national qualifying tournaments to select members of a World Sudoku/Puzzle Championship team
  • Promoting and publicizing these tournaments
  • Encouraging quality and innovation in puzzling
  • Representing the interests of the WPF in the member’s country

Membership fee

  • Annual membership runs from January 1 until December 31.
  • Each year at the General Assembly (usually in October) the membership fee is established for the year starting July 1 the next year.
  • At present, the membership fee is a minimum of 400 Euros a year. Members that are commercial companies are encouraged to pay 1000 Euros a year. Exceptions to these fees can be made by the board.

The benefits of membership include

  • Right to use the WPF logo;
  • Right to publish WPF puzzles (beginning in 2000) in the member’s home country, including those from the WPF Grand Prix (beginning in 2015);
  • Right to send a team to the World Sudoku Championship and the World Puzzle Championship;
  • Right to vote on WPF matters during a general assembly.

Personal membership

If there is no official member from the same country, personal memberships will also be available to individuals. The fee will be 50 Euros/year. The benefits of personal membership include:

  • Subscription to the WPF newsletter;
  • Right to visit all parts of the WPF website and to participate in online activities;
  • Right to participate in the WSPC if the person’s country is not already represented by a national team.
  • Right to any two years of content from the WPF Archives.